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  • AutorenbildSabrina Kment

Street Art in Georgetown

Penang is an island where so many wonderful places can be found. From national parks, botanic gardens, beaches and hills to markets, temples, mosques, churches and museums. The highlight of my stay on this beautiful island was strolling around Georgetown. Why? The streets are packed with colourful street art. There are pieces everywhere! Some of the art works even involve physical objects, which encourage you to interact with them. I immediately started to love Georgetown’s street art and had a lot of fun hunting and collecting photographs of those art works.

How to find street art

Most street art pieces are so well integrated into the scenery that you may pass them without even noticing. So the most important thing is to keep your eyes open. The easiest way to find street art in Georgetown is to use a map. You can get one in pretty much all hotels, hostels, café shops, etc. However, on those maps only the most famous paintings are marked. Look closely at the hidden spots to find fun, unique and less-known street art pieces.

Little children on a bicycle

This is probably the best-known street art and is depicted on many things like T-shirts, postcards, bags, etc. This piece of art features a wall painting of children and a real bike, which is attached to the wall.

Boy on a bike

Similar to the previous one, this piece consists of a wall painting and a physical object, which is attached to the wall.

Little boy with a dinosaur

Little boy with a dinosaur is right beside Boy on a motorbike.

Children on a swing

This is another famous mural and one of my favourites. It is located just beside Old soy milk stall.

It is so much fun to look for all those murals and I absolutely loved interacting with them and getting nice pictures. However, my favourite street art is one you cannot interact with.

Cultural girls

This tiny mural portrays three girls of three different races (a Chinese, a Malay, and an Indian) living in harmony in Georgetown. I like this one so much because it reflects Georgetown’s spirit so well. Georgetown is home to Chinese, Malays, Indians, Eurasians, and many other ethnic groups. It is a town where four main religions, namely Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity, peacefully exist side by side.

A few other really nice ones:

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